

Ferenczy Gábor


After long years spent in Dubbing and Post Production industry Gábor started his Film Producer carrier in 2012 with the Ghetto Cartoon “Nyócker 8D” as a co-producer. Since then he has done numerous films that marks his producer/co-producer/executive producer activity. His first independent movie „What Ever Happened to Timi” (2014) became a real blockbuster and the most successful comedy of the year in Hungary. “It’s not the time of my love” won Crystal Globe for the Best film at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in 2016.


Dr. Muhi András


András graduated as a lawyer from Eötvös Lóránd University in Budapest in 1980. In 2000 he founded Inforg Studio, where he worked as a studio manager and producer. For the next 10 years Inforg Studio was Hungary’s most important film making workshop. From 2015 he continued his work at the largest Hungarian film studio, Focusfox. His creative palette is very colorful, he participated in 35 feature films, 120 shortfilms, 80 documentaries, and 15 animations as producer or co-producer. His films are frequent participants and award winners at national and international film festivals. In 2005 he won the European Film Academy’s Best Short Film Award for Bálint Kenyeres’s film ‘Before Dawn’. In 2012 Bence Fliegauf’s, ‘Just the Wind’ won the Silver Bear Award in Berlin. Ildikó Enyedi’s feature film, ‘On Body and Soul’ was awarded the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin International Film Festival in 2017, and it was nominated for the Best Foreign Language Film category at the Oscar Awards.






2020. Thessaloniki IFF - Meet the Neighbors Competition
Felméri Cecília director
Special Jury Award

2020. Varsó IFF – First and second features
Felméri Cecília director
Special Jury Award

Just Drop Dead!

2017. Hungarian Filmweek
Best Supporting Actress: Ónodi Eszter

Legacy of Menla

2016. Brasov International Film Festival & Market
Best Documentary Film
(Director : Miklós Ádám)

It’s not the Time of My Life

2016. Karlovy Vary International Film Festival.
Crystal Globus, Grand Prix
Best Actor: Hajdú Szabolcs

Ghetto Balboa

Ake Dikhea? Festival of Romani Film
The Best Film Award

The Troupe

Várna Love is Folly International Film Festival
Golden Aphrodite Grand Prix

X - the - eXploited

Braunschweig Internatinal Film Festival
Volkswagen Financial Services film prize


2017. Hungarian Filmweek
1. Best Feature film: Strngled. Producers: Ferenczy Gábor, Tőzsér Attila
2. Best Actress: Szamosi Zsófia
3. Best Feature Film Director: Sopsits Árpád
4. Best Feature Film Cameraman: Szabó Gábor
5. Best Feature Film Make-up/Mask: Kriskó Ancsa
6. Best Feature Film Costume: Szakács Györgyi
7. Best Feature Film Design: Dévényi Rita, Sopsits Árpád
8. Best Feature Film Editor: Kovács Zoltán
9. Best Feature Film Composer: Moldvai Márk


Sofia International Film Festival
Special Jury Award

Kolkata International Film Festival
Special Jury Award

Cinema Jove International Film Festival
Best Film Award

Cinema Jove International Film Festival
Best Picture Award

Fünf Seen International Film Festival
Best Film Award

International Political Film Festival of Carcassonne
Special Jury Award

Blossom Valley

Karlovy Vary International Film Festival
Special Jury Prize
East of West

Palic Film Festival
Prize of the Internatinal Critcs
Prize of the Internatinal Critcs Jury


Somos Attila


Focusfox's Representative in London